Mezzo is the handy cupboard assistant you’ve always needed.
According to WRAP, 6.4 million tonnes of food that could have been eaten is wasted by the UK every year. That’s enough to make 15 billion meals.
Too many times we overbuy and overspend on food that we don’t actually need. Too many times we throw away the forgotten food at the back of the fridge. But Mezzo is here to change that.
The Mezzo app is not just a practical list of your cupboards’ contents, but also a helpful tool to help you keep track of and minimise your food waste. Mezzo prompts you with convenient reminders of when your food is going off, and provides easy inspiration for exciting recipes to help you make the most of your food.
Mezzo is a speculative project, imagined and designed by the Sustainable Ventures Design team, as a response to our own frustrations around food waste.
An engaging and playful solution to household food waste.
The Mezzo brand is bright, fun and functional. It bounces playfully off musical references and concepts, making sustainable meal prepping all the more engaging. The main dashboard consists of tasty recipe prompts, reminders about food going off, and auto-generated shopping lists.
In order to keep the app up to date, you can either input products manually (as shown below), scan your shopping receipts, or simply connect to your online shopping. Mezzo does the rest - keeping tally of what food you have and when it goes off, and calculating tasty recipes to make the most of your food and reduce your food waste. When you want to cook, simply tick off the ingredients you use, and how much.
Mezzo finds what you’re in the mood for, from of what you’ve already got.
Mezzo mood is a collection of delicious and exciting recipes, sorted into different moods for you to choose. Whether you’re feeling chilled, fancy, or simply want some Mexican food, Mezzo will find you a tasty recipe out of ingredients you already have.
Not sure what you’re feeling? Mezzo’s shuffle button takes all your ingredients and gives you a random recipe based on your inventory. It’s the perfect way to get some instant inspiration, or bring some spontaneity into your routine.
Mezzo could be an answer to household food waste, tiresome meal-prepping, and boring recipes. If you’re interested in discussing this project further, please contact us at hello@sustainableventures.design. We would love to hear from you!