District Heating Divas


How we heat buildings is responsible for up to 30% of UK carbon emissions.

Around 90% of households still use fossil fuels for heating, hot water and cooking, but this needs to change if we’re going to hit our Net Zero targets.

Heat networks are an innovative solution, and a fast-growing industry. They allow a unique opportunity to access larger, low-carbon and low-cost heat sources, including recovered and renewable sources.

We edited a video for District Heating Divas to encourage young people to get involved with the industry, and play their own role in helping the UK to decarbonise. The video was shown at their Connecting Women in District Heat Conference 2022.

You can check out the video here

All the images shown below are from the event, courtesy of District Heating Divas. We would particularly like to thank Georgina Orso, Marissa Granath and Shivali Mathur for the opportunity to work on such an exciting project in a new frontier of sustainability.

Photography © District Heating Divas 2022


Mezzo: The Spotify® of food


Carbon-conscious web design